I received this from my cousin, Kory........
This past winter, my girlfriend Meredith was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, a rare form of breast cancer. Her treatment included a lumpectomy and six full weeks of radiation. As scary as it seemed, Mere was brave and determined to confront and overcome this affliction (even braver than me - and keep in mind, I'm a total stud). Today, I'm happy to say Mere is cancer-free and we're both much stronger as a result of her resolve.
As a show of solidarity and support, we'll be participating in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on September 12 and 13. On the 12th, Meredith and I will walk 13 miles. On the 13th, we'll walk up to 26.2 miles more. It’s a kick-ass commitment, one that will require a gym rat like myself to spend even more time doing one-armed push ups while neighborhood children sit on my back. But it can be done!
The money we raise will be managed by the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade to help provide access to care for those that need it, fund educational programs, and accelerate research into new treatments and potential cures. We’ll be just two of thousands of people (like Honorary Chairman Reese Witherspoon) that will walk a marathon and a half over a weekend, raising awareness of the cause and educating even more people.
Of course, I can’t do this without your help. I know these aren't easy economic times, but I also know my family and friends are always there when I need them. And I need you guys now. I'm shooting for $2500 in 30 days. But DON'T break your bank! Donating is anonymous and every single dollar helps :) Besides, raising money should be much easier than finding someone who will hand me a Guinness along the marathon route. But I'm working on that too...
So check out my Avon Walk Page on the link below and let me thank all of you in advance for your support! Mere will be fine, but you might want to start praying for me. Seriously. 40 miles in 2 days. This could get ugly. Whatever happened to fundraising pub crawls? I'll have to ask Reese...
Love you guys! See you soon! Enjoy the rest of summer, and we'll enjoy the latest wildfires :)
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