Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tips and Tricks


Finding your story:
Starting your story is not always easy. And sometimes realizing your story can be even harder. First remember that everyone has a story. Your story can be about a vacation to Europe, camping in the mountains, your high school friends and activities, when you met your husband, when you found out you were pregnant, and on and on. Really, the stories are endless.

Sit down and write:
To get ideas flowing for your next story, just sit down and write. Those five minute exercises you used to do in grade school help a lot. Either at your computer or in a comfortable chair with a notepad and pen, write without lifting the pen for five minutes. You will be surprised by what comes to your mind. Then just take the ideas you get from your five minute exercise and begin expanding on your stories.

Look at pictures:
Another great way to find your stories is to go through your photos. As you look at pictures of you learning to ride a bike or playing kick ball with your friends, you will remember all sorts of moments that would be great in a story.

Remember and write it down:
The best way to start a story is to just remember and we are remembering all the time. The key is to have those memories with us when we're ready to write the story. So, when you're cooking dinner and suddenly remember how your mom used to dance around the kitchen while making family meals, jot the memory down on a notepad. When you’re tucking your child in at night and remember the stories your dad used to tell you, before you slip off to sleep, write it down.

For more story ideas, look at Story Maps in your Studio.

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