Friday, November 13, 2009

Certified Training for all new Heritage Makers Consultants

Its finally here! our certified training program is starting up. This is an invitation to ALL new consultants and everyone else to kick start the certified program off. i will hold my calls on mondays at 630pm Mountain time. I am trying to balance the east coast and west coast time zones as best i can. Please plan on attending these calls. They are there for you NEW consultants to supply the consistent training you need to have a very successful business. Please encourage all your new people to be on these calls. i have the first two scheduled below. Please register for them and i look forward to some great training. We are having a killer november! you guys keep doing what you are doing! This is one of our best months ever! Talk to you monday!

Monday November 16th 630 MDT
New consultant orientation/enrolling clients

Monday November 23rd 630pm MDT
Sponsoring consultants in your team

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